Spring ishappening in Reinland

Well Spring must surely be here. There are sings of it all over the village. And one of my favourite signs says that there is a community breakfast this Saturday. I can almost smell the biscuits now. The usual tasty foods will be prepared by your friends and neighbours. It is a good time enjoyed by many, you should come out too.

Well we were out and about last week and I saw this beautiful view and had to share it with you.

I always thought that a misty day needed to include some jazz music and a loved one to share it with. This was taken Sunday afternoon, and I did enjoy some good music and the company of my wife after this picture was taken. Well before too, but I’m not a poet, so…


Actually I kinda wanted to put on rubber boots and wade through the puddles, but I don’t have any that fit right now.

Spring is here, get out there and enjoy it, and we’ll see you on Saturday.


Evening in Reinland

I went to college many years ago and studied photography. I have used all sorts of different cameras and found that the best camera is the one that you have with you, and that the smaller the camera the more likely it is that you will have it with you. You can see evidence of this by looking at all the pictures that people take with their cell phones.

So I found a small camera that fits in my pocket. The problem with small cameras is that even though they are small enough to take with you, they are also small enough to lose. So a few weeks ago I was showing my in-laws some pictures that I had just taken, and then I set it down while we had coffee and promptly lost it. This meant that I couldn’t share this photo with you until now.

looking east at night.

From the first time I took a picture at night I’ve always been facinated by the way long exposures make everything look magical. My newest digital camera is the first one that does a decent job of long exposures. I’ll try to bring you a few more of these in the coming weeks.